

This time around I want to post about how I use my iPad. Today's topic is an app: Flipboard. Click the link to learn more about it.

I'm using Flipboard in part to follow the news. I check a few times a day to keep up on local news, national news, entertainment news, and Apple news. I also look in on a Flickr feed of Kansas images, and Kansas Memory for Kansas Historical Society images.

If you look to the right of this post, you'll see that my blog list is much smaller than it used to be. Adding several the blogs that I had followed here to Flipboard allows me to keep this blog neater, yet still keep track of the blogs I want to keep up with. Since the app updates each time I access it, I just have to flick the screen once or twice get to the group, tap the square of the item, tap the story, and maybe tap one more time to get to the original website.

I also like that I can use it to keep track of my Twitter feed. I'm not keen on the Twitter app for iOS, and I'm reluctant to pay for other Twitter apps. I'm trying to remember to use it every time I open Flipboard.

Flipboard has been called the "killer app" for iOS. It's true; this really shows off how to use the iPad and how useful it makes an iPad. Their website says that an Android version is coming soon. If you have an iPad or an iPhone you should get this app; if you have an Android device you should get it as soon as it comes out.

One last thing: it's free!

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