
The Legend of the Black Fox

I have a new collection in the Defender universe out, The Legend of the Black Fox. Here's what it's about:

Tulla breaks the rule his town leader set down, and visits the men in strange boats from the east. They come with a message: magic has returned to the world.

Tulla learns magic from the strangers, Allan and Prince George. He also learns that Allan has used magic, as “The Defender” to fight for justice. Tulla decides to do the same, starting with the arrogant and corrupt leader of his town. From then on, Tulla will travel the Mountain Kingdom as “The Black Fox,” trying to better his homeland.

This collection contains five novellas, telling the tales of The Black Fox. If you’re already a fan of the Defender series, you shouldn’t miss this collection of related tales!

The collection is in print and ebook editions. Check the Defender page for store links.


Writing Stats for August 2016

Here's the next update on how much I'm writing.

August started well, then I completed the novel I'd been working on towards the end of the second week. I had a few non-writing errands to accomplish after that, and I had to figure out the story of my next project.

That means I wrote 70 pages that month. That's about 15-20 pages under the ideal for two weeks of writing sessions, but I'm okay with that. The novel turned out to be 72,000 words. That means that this year I've written one novel that came to 85,000 words (the longest work I've ever written), and this second one at 72k. Since I haven't written novels that long in, well, years, I'm pleased with my output so far.

I have a new story idea plotted, so I'll start on that this month. Here's hoping for another month of productivity!

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