
What I've Read in 2018 (Part 4)

Here's what I've read since I last posted on this subject back in November. As always, the book title links go to the book pages at Goodreads. The books:

Record of a Spaceborn Few

Micro Living


The Well at the World's End

The Mummy!

So, in 2018, I read 30 books. Most were fantasy but there were a few science fiction titles on that list. How does that compare? Well, in 2017 I read 10 books. So, yeah, something of an increase.

I looked at my shelves at Goodreads. I have 45 books on the Classic shelf; 89 on Fantasy; 69 on Science Fiction; and 79 on Nonfiction (plus 10 on Game Books). There are some overlapping titles in the three fiction categories. Overall, though, I have 340 titles listed at Goodreads as books I've read. Out of those, 54 are my books. That means I have 286 books listed at Goodreads that I've read.

I don't know if I'll read 30 books in 2019. But I am hoping to read quite a few. Follow along and see how much I read this year!

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