
An Email Newsletter

There's a new widget in place over on the right.

I've decided to start up an email newsletter. I'll probably send out an email once a month when I have a new book out. I'll have the blurb, and a link to the SF/F Books page for store links. There will be links to cons and other events I'll go to. I might also mention what I've blogged about. Down the road I may put in a Smashwords coupon code for certain ebooks.

Please let me know what you think of the first newsletter when it goes out in a couple of weeks. I expect to have to tweak it a time or two to get it right.

I'm using MailChimp to manage the newsletter and the email list. They have an app that will allow me to add emails at events. If you don't want to join the list right away, stop by my table at one of the cons I'll be at this year. We'll see how the app works then.

Here's hoping this proves helpful to you, and to me!

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