Over the weekend of July 27-29, I went up to Omaha to take part in OSFest 5.
This time, instead of sharing a table with other authors, I bought my own table in the dealers room. I never did have a neighbor to my left. For part of Friday, on my right were two girls selling buttons. They moved sometime after setting up to be near another dealer that they knew. On Saturday that table was occupied by the local reading charity that the con supports. As it happened, I was next to that charity and the woman who represents it at OSFest last year. She was only there for Saturday, so on Sunday I had no neighbors.
I didn't sell quite as many books this year as last year. Last year I sold 17 books; this year, 12. However, it wasn't as easy to get to the dealers room this year as it was at OSFest 4. Things were slower in the room this year. Still, I reached par for a con. As far as sales went, I'm happy.
I didn't contact the programming person so I had no plans to take part in any panels. I saw Guy Anthony De Marco in the dealers room; I first met him at ConStellation. He graciously allowed me to take part in two of the Saturday night panels he was on. I had fun on both. I do wish the other authors on the panel had the time to get to my table so we could talk a bit more.
Overall I had a great time at the con. I plan to keep going back as long as they'll have me.
Sadly, something flared up my sinuses around that weekend. I developed a head cold and wasn't able to attend GlitchCon. I do have one more SF con on my schedule, Encounters right next door to me in Wichita.
For the next few weeks I'll put up posts on various subjects, then even reports through the fall. We'll see if there aren't some other posts I can add to the schedule.
Thanks for your support, and stay tuned!
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