It's a month into the new year, so time for a new series of reports on how much I've been writing.
I've started 2016 on a roll. Every day I've been writing I've been productive. I've had some good sessions and some really good days.
All that means I wrote 195 pages in January. That's a few pages over the goal, and is the most I've written in a month since April. I'm proud of that number. What also pleases me is that the work I wrapped up towards the end of the month came in at a couple thousand words under 30K. That and the previous work were among the longest pieces I've written in several months.
I don't if the work I've just started will be quite so long. February is also a short month. Still, I'm hopeful I can keep up a good writing pace that I started in the new year.
Robert Collins’ blog: writing fantasy and science fiction; reading and watching stuff; living minimally
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